שרותי נוטריון אקספרס

משרד עורכי דין ונוטריון משה אלפסי
שירותים ותרגומים נוטריונים - 03-7266666
נוטריון - המדריך השלם
נוטריון - ערך מוסף
נוטריון - שירותים ותרגומים 03-7266666
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Notary – Introduction

This website is dedicated to all areas surrounding the work of a notary in Israel. The site includes professional articles related to the work of the notary, including, his various powers, the certificates he is authorized to issue, the manner of his certification and more.
You can also apply for professional treatment by a notary from the website's offices, in order to receive various notarial services: such as verifying the signing of a document or verifying a financial agreement in Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan and all parts of Israel.

What is the cost of the services provided by a notary on behalf via the site?

The legislature solved the problem of price when it comes to wages notary fee. The rates of notarial services are fixed by law, and are not "flexible". Which means: no discounts, and no "too expensive", the prices are uniform. Therefore there is no point in checking "Who is the cheapest?"…

The notaries operating under this site operate in accordance with the rate set by law. We have dedicated a special article to the notary fee, so that you can know what price you will have to pay for each notary service.

Notary – What is it?

It is important to understand that not every lawyer is a notary. A notary is a lawyer qualified in accordance with the the Notaries Law, 5736 – 1976: to verify, certify, and prepare legal documents.  Section 19 of the Notaries Low (1) States that a notary's signature on a document constitutes confirmation of the originality of the document and its connection to the identity of the signer. Moreover notary seal is also seen as confirmation that the signatory of the document, signed it of his/her own free will.

Documents signed by a notary are admissible as evidence in the courts, before other authorities in Israel and in countries outside Israel.

Who is entrusted with the issuance of a notarial license?

After the Notaries Law was enacted, the Ministry of Justice established the Notary Licensing Department (operating under section 1 of the Law).   This department handles applications for licensing notaries and also coordinates the work of the Licensing Committee under the law.

The Notary Licensing Department supervises the work of notaries in Israel, by auditors on its behalf and also handles complaints filed against notaries and the disciplinary prosecution of notaries.

The notary license is granted according to the criteria set forth in the Notaries Law and among them, practicing law for 10 years or more. This requirement is intended to ensure that the notary will have extensive legal knowledge and practical experience in law.

The form of a notarized document

Notarized document, bearing the seal of the notary. It is an Imprint Seal Stamp made of metal on which the name of the notary is stamped, and bears the inscription “NOTARY" in Hebrew, English and Arabic or French. In case there is more than one document submitted for approval, all the documents are tied together with a red ribbon, attached to a red mark embossed with the notary's seal.

The duties of a notary

The notary is authorized to perform the actions set forth below, and as provided in section 7 of the Notaries Law.

It is important to note that this is a closed list of powers and by legislation only, the additional powers can be added to it.

    1. Document signature verification: In cases of power of attorney for the purchase of an apartment, for various agreements or obligations and more.
    2. Confirmation that the signatory in the document, in the name of another, was authorized to act so: this service required, for example, in cases of action on behalf of a corporation.
    3.  Confirmation of the correctness of a copy of a document.
    4.  Confirmation of correctness of translation of a document: Sometimes, the notary confirm the correctness of transcript and/or translation and sometimes, translates the document itself, an action that is not considered a notarial action.
    5. Receipt and approval of affidavit and other statement.
  • A proof that a particular person is alive: The confirmation is given regarding the day the notary saw that person.
  1. Confirmation of the correctness of an inventory list.
  2. Editing the protest of a negotiable document.
  3. Editing a document or do another action in connection thereof When the editing or performance of the action by the notary is required or permitted by law, including the law of a foreign state, or by another document.
  4.  Verification of Financial Prenuptial Agreement, signed prior the marriage: In the case of a married couple, jurisdiction is vested exclusively in the court.
  5.  To use the authority of a public notary under another law.
  6.  Approval of drawing up a will as an authority: In accordance with the Law of Succession, the notary is conferred with authority same as the power of a judge, in this matter.

>>For information regarding Notarized translation


(1)The wording of section 19 of the Notaries Law: "The approval of a notary under this law and regulations thereunder, shall be sufficient evidence in a legal proceeding, without the need for further evidence, according to the notary and his/her actions and the deeds said or made before him, all as stated in the certificate”.

(2)see Sectin 2. (A) (2) (a) of the Notaries Law.

The stated on this page, and in any Israelnotary website, does not contain a recommendation, legal advice or legal advice substitute for legal advice regarding the stated thereof and notarial services; In addition, the content on the notary website on all its sections does not claim to be accurate and / or correct at all times and / or comprehensive, since legal information becomes obsolete, notary rates change, the ruling changes and more. In conclusion, anyone who relies on the information stated on the notary website does so at his/her own risk and sole discretion!

Notary – Services and Translations 103-72666661


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